Joint Monitoring and Review Committee
A Pre-Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (Pre-JMRC) was established to guide the initial implementation of the VPA. It was co-chaired by senior officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) on behalf of Guyana and the Delegation of the EU. The main tasks of the Pre-JMRC were to:
- Facilitate the exchange of information between Guyana and the EU.
- Serve as the platform to discuss planning and preparation for the Agreement’s implementation before it enters into force.
- Monitor progress in the design and implementation of the GTLAS and the Agreement.
Following the VPA’s ratification, the Pre-JMRC was replaced by the Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (JMRC). The first JMRC was convened on 29 June 2023 in Brussels, Belgium and chaired by the Hon. Vickram Bharrat, Minister of Natural Resources of Guyana, and Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships.
Functions of the JMRC include:
- Conducting an independent assessment of GTLAS. The evaluation will determine whether the GTLAS fulfils its functions.
- Proposing the date on which the FLEGT Licensing Scheme should be fully operational.
- Receiving notification from Guyana or the EU if either party suspects or has evidence of any circumvention or irregularity in implementing the Licensing Scheme. Then, identify any required follow-up.
- Developing and adopting the Implementation Schedule and a monitoring and evaluation framework to track the schedule’s progress.
- Reviewing and commenting on the GTLAS implementation guidelines, verification manuals, methodology, and criteria.
- Examining complaints relating to the FLEGT Licensing scheme.
- Maintaining records made to the Annexes and minutes of relevant meetings with stakeholder groups to track changes and decisions.
- Making recommendations to help attain the Agreement’s objectives.
- Establishing working groups, as needed, to address any aspects of the Agreement’s implementation requiring special attention.
- Preparing and publishing Annual Reports on the Agreement’s implementation.
- Receiving and discussing proposals from Guyana or the EU seeking to amend the Agreement or its Annexes. Further, submit recommendations to both parties on any proposed amendments to this Agreement. Also, adopt any amendments.
- Handling all questions associated with the Agreement’s implementation, following Guyana and/or the EU proposal.
- Seeking an acceptable solution where there are differences of opinion between Guyana or the EU concerning the Agreement’s application and/or interpretation.
Members of JMRC
List coming soon
Upcoming JMRC
The Technical Committee of the fourth JMRC will be held between April 01-02, 2025, in Georgetown, Guyana, followed by the 3rd Political Meeting of the Forest Partnership on April 04, 2025.
Convened JMRCs
Convened Pre-JMRCs
All convened Pre-JMRCs and JMRCs can be accessed here.