The Joint Implementation Framework (JIF) provides for a structure that monitors the implementation of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) through a Joint Monitoring Review Committee (JMRC) that has oversight of the process under the Agreement.
Within the four-year programmatic framework of the JIF, all VPA-related implementation actions will take place. The implementation process has the following phases that lead to the independent joint evaluation of the operational readiness of the Guyana Timber Legality Assurance System (GTLAS).
The JIF focuses on actions for Guyana to become FLEGT licensed and gain access to the EU markets for its legal wood products. These actions include the operationalization of the GTLAS and the FLEGT Licensing Scheme as well as other essential elements of the VPA.
- To identify the strategic tasks and priority activities needed to establish the institutional mechanisms to implement the Agreement and to prepare and operationalize the GTLAS and other elements of the VPA.
- To identify responsibilities and sources of support and funding for these strategic tasks and priority activities.
- To help promote stakeholder engagement and coordination around the activities for implementation of the Agreement.
- To provide a framework for monitoring the implementation of the Agreement.
Strategic Tasks
Eight intermediate outcome areas are required to achieve the expected outcomes of the JIF:
- VPA ratification process.
- Implement and position in place the necessary management, coordination and review mechanisms for an effective VPA implementation.
- Develop and operationalize the GTLAS.
- Strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to implement the VPA.
- Design and operationalize planning, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to regularly assess and improve the progress of VPA implementation.
- Design and operationalize stakeholder engagement, coordination and outreach mechanisms for effective VPA implementation.
- Undertake VPA FLEGT connected and supportive actions.
- Design and operationalize financing mechanisms for VPA implementation.
JIF Document
A guide for the implementation of the FLEGT VPA, the JIF contains its purpose and the Multi-year Implementation Plan, strategic tasks and output areas.
Monitoring Plan
Designed to enable the Pre-Joint Monitoring and Review Committee (JMRC)/JMRC to monitor the overall progress of implementation leading up to and including the Joint Evaluation of the readiness of GTLAS. The Monitoring Plan uses several priority actions which are found within the Activity Plan of the JIF.
Work Plan
The Work Plan is extracted from the JIF Multi-Year Implementation Plan and includes activity number, activity description, lead agency and possible sources of funding.
GTLAS Agencies
- Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA)
- Ministry of Amerindian Affairs
- Ministry of Labour
- National Insurance Board (NIB)
- Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC)
- Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority (DCRA)
- Friendly Societies Registry
- Department of Co-operative Societies
- Land Registry (LR)
- National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO)
- Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission
- Ministry of Public Works (MoPW)
- Office of the President (OP)